ATSF Book Bibliography 

Last Updated: October 11, 1997
Number of Books: 161
Maintained by: Marc Chouinard

The format for all books listed here is as follows:
- BOOK REVIEWS: if available
- DESCRIPTION: if available
- COMMENTS: if available
denotes a book I have.
denotes less than 50% Santa Fe.

Acquaintance with ALCO, An
Robert P. Olmsted, 1968, McMillian Publications
0-934228-03-5, 68-58442, Hard, 82, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, N/A, $13.50, N/A
Description: Many good photos of ATSF PA's. Great book for persons looking for PA details from many different angles. Nice mix of other rails. All PA or FA units. (Dean Lewis)

American Narrow Gauge Railroads
George Woodman Hilton, 1990, Stanford Univ Press
0804717311, N/A, Hard, 580, 9 x 12, N/A, N/A, Out of print, N/A, N/A

American Train Depot & Roundhouse, The
Hans Halberstadt, 1995, Motorbooks International
0760300038, N/A, Hard, 192, 10.36 x 10.30, N/A, N/A, Still available, $30
Description: A few Santa Fe photos

Arid Domain, the Santa Fe Railway and its Western Land Grant
William Greever, 1954, Stanford Univ. Press
N/A, N/A, Hard, 184, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: History. (Andy Sperandeo)

Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway - Volume 1
Richard E. Cox, 1984, Vanishing Vistas
0-912935-00-6, N/A, Soft, 36, 11 x 9, 17, 0, Still available, $10
Description: Color postcard album. (Andy Sperandeo), Color photo album. (John A. Thompson)

ATSF, BN & MRL Locomotive Directory 1995
Robert C. Del Grosso, 1995, Great Northern Pacific Publications
N/A, N/A, Soft, 142, 5.5 x 8.5, N/A, N/A, Still available, $23

ATSF Color Guide to Freight and Passenger Equipment
Lloyd E. Stagner, 1995, Morning Sun Books Inc.
1-878887-45-9, 95-075996, Hard, 128, 9 x 11.5, 287, 0, Still available, $50
Description: Color photos of equipment in 1945 to 1980 time period. (S. Roger Kirkpatrick), Details the stainless steel and freight car colors on the ATSF. (
Comments: 4 out of 5 stars. (

ATSF System Employee Timetables Vol 1 Eastern Lines November 29, 1942
N/A, 1992, Santa Fe Modelers Organization
N/A, N/A, Soft, 96, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: Employee timetable reprints. (Andy Sperandeo)

ATSF System Employee Timetables Vol 2 Western Lines November 29, 1942
N/A, 1992, Santa Fe Modelers Organization
N/A, N/A, Soft, 96, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: Employee timetable reprints. (Andy Sperandeo)

ATSF System Employee Timetables Vol 3 Gulf Lines November 29, 1942, 1992
N/A, 1992, Santa Fe Modelers Organization
N/A, N/A, Soft, 58, 8.5 x 11N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: Employee timetable reprints. (Andy Sperandeo)

ATSF System Employee Timetables Vol 4 Coast Lines November 29, 1942
N/A, 1992, Santa Fe Modelers Organization
N/A, N/A, Soft, 58, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: Employee timetable reprints. (Andy Sperandeo)

Birth of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway, The
Joseph W. Snell & Don W. Wilson, 1968, Kansas State Historical Society
N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A

BNSF 1996 Motive Power Annual
Bill Shippen, N/A, Four Ways West Publications
N/A, N/A, Hard, 160, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still avaiable, $45

Burlington Northern / Santa Fe Annual 1994
Robert Del Grosso, N/A, N/A
N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still avaiable, $45

Burlington Northern / Santa Fe Annual 1995
Robert Del Grosso, N/A, N/A
N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still avaiable, $45

Burlington Northern / Santa Fe Motive Power Annual 1994
N/A, N/A, Four Ways West
N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still avaiable, $34

Burlington Northern / Santa Fe Motive Power Annual 1995
N/A, N/A, Four Ways West
N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still avaiable, $34

BNSF & MRL Locomotive Directory 1997
Robert Del Grosso, N/A, Great Northern Pacific Publications
N/A, N/A, Soft, 148, 6 x 9, N/A, N/A, Still avaiable, $26

Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway 1996
Robert Del Grosso and Patrick C. Dorin, N/A, Great Northern Pacific Publications
N/A, N/A, Hard, 288, 6 x 9, N/A, N/A, Still avaiable, $49

Cab to Caboose
N/A, N/A, N/A
N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: This is a book of anecdotes by a former Santa Fe employee who worked in New Mexico. (Evan L. Werkema)

Caboose Cars of the Santa Fe Railway
Frank M. Ellington, 1977, RailRoad Car Press
N/A, N/A, Soft, 90, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: Pictorial history. (Andy Sperandeo)

Cajon: Pictorial Album
Chard L. Walker, 1990, Trans-Anglo Books
0-87046-095-1, 90-34707, Hard, 184, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, Still available, $54
Description: Primarily Santa Fe. (Andy Sperandeo)

Cajon - Rail Passage to the Pacific
Chard L. Walker, 1985, Trans-Anglo Books
0-87046-072-2, N/A, Hard, 254, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: Pictorial history, primarily Santa Fe. (Andy Sperandeo)

Central Arizona Railroad and the Railroads of Arizona's Central Timber Region
Thomas Schuppert, 1993, Golden West Books
0-87095-109-2, 93-29893, Hard, 101, 8.5 x 11, 0, 135, N/A, $38, N/A
Description: If you like ATSF and logging, this is the book. Excellent coverage of the transient lumber industry's railroads on the Coconino and Kaibab. Interesting text and photos that I didn't know existed!! Includes chapters on ATSF in Flagstaff and ATSF's Grand Canyon line. (Dale Hokanson)

CF7 Locomotives: From Cleburne to Everywhere
Cary Franklin Poole, 1997, Railroad Press
0965770907, N/A, Soft, 112, 10.96 x 8.52, N/A, N/A, Still available, $25

Chicago's Passenger Trains (a gallery of portraits 1956-1981)
Robert P. Olmsted, 1983, McMillan Publications
0-934228-10-8, 82-62562, Hard, 136, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, N/A, $29, N/A
Description: Many ATSF photos thru out book. Nice PA shots. Many interesting photos. Shows wide variety of equipment. (Dean Lewis)

Coach, Cabbage & Caboose
John B. McCall, 1979, Kachina Press
0-930724-10-0, N/A, Hard, 256, 9 x 12, N/A, N/A, Still available, $44
Description: Excellent B&W (few color) picture/history book concerning branch line mixed train operation on the ATSF. (, Santa Fe mixed-trains, cabooses and combines. (Andy Sperandeo)
Comments: 4.5 out of 5 stars. (

Coast Lines Depots ATSF / Los Angeles Division
Lee Gustafson and Phil Serpico, 1992, Omni Publications
0-88418-003-4, 89-64471, Hard, 232, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $50
Comments: 4 out of 5 stars. (

Coast Lines Depots - Valley Division
Lee Gustafson and Phil Serpico, 1996, Omni Publications
0-88418-008-5, 96-67669, Hard, 240 (8 color plates), 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, Still available, $50
Description: Detailed accounting of Santa Fe's depots on lines north of Barstow, CA, including joint SP-ATSF trackage. Many rare photographs, excellent text on line and depot history. Towers also included, though to a lesser degree. (Evan Werkema)
Comments: As good if not better than the L.A. Division depot book. The authors have clearly done their homework and then some. Well written and well presented. An asset for any depot aficionado. (Evan Werkema)

Collected Colorado Rail Annual, The
Ed.Cornelius W. Hauck, 1974, Colrado Railroad Museum
70-102682, N/A, Hard, 136, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, Out of print, N/A, N/A
Description: One chapter: "The Santa Fe's D&RG War No. 2" (Fred W. Tefft)

Colorful Colorado Railroads in the 1960's
Ronald C Hill, 1992, Colorado Railroad Historical Foundation
0-918654-45-9, 92-73251, Hard, 112, 11 x 8.5, N/A, 127 (17 ATSF), N/A, $43, N/A
Description: Great shots of some rarities, Fs, RSDs, etc. Fun book worth the price. Good details for modelers. Also includes CB&Q, D&RGW, CRI&P, MoPac, UP plus short lines. (Dale Hokanson)

Country Railroad Station in America, The
H. Roger Grant, Charles H. Bohi, 1988, Center for Western Studies
0931170419, N/A, Soft, 192, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, Out of print, $19, N/A

Death Valley Scotty, the Fastest Con in the West
Hank. Johnston, 1974/1981, Trans Anglo Books
0870460196, N/A, Hard, 160, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, Out of print, N/A, N/A
Description: This book presents the life of Scotty and shows what a character he was. There is one chapter devoted to the "Coyote Special", which cost Scotty nothing. (Fred W. Tefft)

Destination Topolobambo
John Leeds Kerr, 1968, Golden West Publications
N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: A well written and profusely illustrated history of the Kansas City Mexico and Orient Railway, featuring its growth, development, motive power, its eventual demise and incorporation into the Santa Fe. (Bill Van Der Meer)

Diesel Builders : Baldwin Locomotive Works, The
John Kirkland, 1994, Interurban Press
0916374939, N/A, Hard, 294, N/A, N/A, Out of print, $60, N/A

Dodge City: Up Through a Century in Story and Pictures
Fredric R. Young, 1972/1985/1995, Boot Hill Museum
N/A, N/A, Hard, 202, N/A, N/A, Still available, $20
Description: Several pictures and maps of the development of the ATSF in Dodge City. (Fred W. Tefft)

Doodlebugs, The
John B. McCall, 1977, Kachina Press
0-930724-01-1, 77-85606, Hard, 256, 12 x 9, 44, 320, Out of Print, $27, $15-$400
Description: Extremely detailed look in color and B&W of the strange passenger "buslike vehicle" that operated over Santa Fe rails from the turn of the century to 1959. (, ATSF gas electrics. (Andy Sperandeo)
Comments: 5+ out of 5 stars. (

Doodlebug Country : The Rail Motorcar on the Class I Railroads of the United States (184P#)
Edmund Keilty, 1982, Interurban Press
0916374505, N/A, Hard, 184, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, Out of print, N/A, $35
Description: An overall look at all of the doodlebugs that operated on Class I's with pictures and rosters. There are seven pages on ATSF. (Fred W. Tefft)

Galveston and the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railroad
John M. Carroll, 1985, The Center for Transportation and Commerce
N/A, N/A, Hard, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $24

GE's Dash 8 - C Series
Diesel Era Staff, 1994, Diesel Era
1-881411-03-6, 94-090456, Soft, 120, 8.5 x 11, 51 (6 ATSF), 393 (44 ATSF), Still available, $29
Description: Includes sections for each railroad having Dash-Cs, and includes a 12 page Santa Fe section with excellent detail shots of the 800s and 900s, no 600s and one 500. A quality book, well layed out with excellent reproduction. (Dale Hokanson)

Grand Canyon of Arizona, The: Being a Book of Many Pens, About the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River in Arizona
N/A, 1909, Passenger Department of the Santa Fe
N/A, N/A, Hard, 130, 1, N/A, Out of print, N/A, $15
Description: It is all the title says about the history and geoolgy of the Grand Canyon. This was a promotional book put out by the ATSF. (Fred W. Tefft)

Great Railroad Photographs : From the Collection of the Smithsonian Institution
John Winthrop Adams, 1994, Courage Books
1561383929, N/A, Hard, 128, N/A, N/A, N/A, Out of print, $15, N/A
Description: I purchased this book for one photo, the SLSF roundhouse (p. 44), which became the ATSF later that year. This book has very little Santa Fe dope in it.

Great Yellow Fleet, The
John H. White, 1986, Golden West Books
0-87095-091-6, 86-14920, N/A, 186, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, N/A, $46
Description: 235 illustrations & 47 diagrams. Nice ATSF coverage or reefer operation. Large section devoted to SFRD. Exploded view of ATSF mechanical reefer. (Dean Lewis)

Guidebook of the Western United States Part C, The Santa Fe Route, with a side trip to Grand Canyon of the Colorado (Bulletin 613)
N.H. Darton, 1915, Washinton Government Printing Office
N/A, N/A, N/A, 200, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: A geological surevey and description of towns along the Santa Fe's Northern Route from Kansas City to Los Angeles. Maps and pictures. (Richard Brundage)

Harvey Girls, The
Juddi Morris, N/A, Walker and Co.
N/A, N/A, Hard, 101, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: History, Fred Harvey restaraunts and hotels along the Santa Fe, and womens' roles in them. (Andy Sperandeo)

Harvey Girls, The : Women Who Opened The West
Lesley Poling-Kempes, N/A, Paragon House
N/A, N/A, Hard, 252, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $16
Description: History, Fred Harvey restaraunts and hotels along the Santa Fe, and womens' roles in them. (Andy Sperandeo)

Harvey House Cookbook
G. Foster & P. Weiglin, 1992, N/A
N/A, N/A, N/A, Hard, 193, N/A, N/A, Still available, $19
Comments: There are a few errors in this book. The Cheese Straws require more Chees that what is posted and the thickness of the bread for the French Toast should be 3/4in instead of 1/4 inch thick. Some tasty treats for the Diner Car fan. 3.5 out of 5 stars. (

High Green to Marceline - Santa Fe In Color Series - Volume 1
Joe McMillan, 1989, McMillan Publications Inc.
0-934228-16-7, 89-92344, Hard, 192, 9 x 11.5, 340, 0, Still available, $50
Description: Covers the Santa Fe between Chicago and Kansas City from mid 1960's to 1989. (Joe McMillan), All color beautiful photographs of 1960's-1992 ATSF structures/ motive power/ passenger trains/ freight trains from Chicago to KC. (
Comments: 4 out of 5 stars. (

History of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, The
Pamela Berkman, 1988, Bonanza
0-517-63350-7, N/A, Hard, 128, 9.5 x 12, 20, 96, Still available, $16

History of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway
Keith L. Bryant Jr., 1974/1982, Macmillan Publishing/University of Nebraska Press
0-8032-6066-0, N/A, Soft, 398, 6 x 9, 0, 142, Still available, $16

Homage to the Santa Fe
Merle Armitage, 1973, Manzanita Press
N/A, N/A, Hard, 138, 6.5 x 9.5, N/A, N/A, Still available, $20
Description: Large portion is text with b/w photos in last half of book. Original printing was for limited edition of 250 copies (Dean Lewis).

Horny Toad Man
N/A, N/A, N/A
N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: Like Cab to Caboose, a book of reminiscences by someone who used to live along the Santa Fe's Horny Toad line (Belen - El Paso). (Evan L. Werkema)

Howard Fogg and the Diesel Image
John J Scala, 1987, The Weekend Chief Publishing Company
0-9612814-1-3, 86-51094, Hard, 176, 12.5 x 9.5, 109, 6, N/A, $40, N/A
Description: Only has 5 ATSF paintings, but they are frameable. PA, RSD15 in Zebras, F45/U-Boats, FTs, F7s. (Dale Hokanson)

Index to Photographs of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway and Santa Fe Refrigerated Dispatch
Bruce Metcalf, N/A, Kalmbach Memorial Library (National Model RR Assn.)
N/A, N/A, Soft, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A

Iron Horse at War, The
James E. Valle, 1976, Howell-North
N/A, 63-22759, Hard, 256, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, N/A, $20
Description: WWII-era b&w photos by Jack Delano, about half covering a Chicago to LA trip on Santa Fe freight trains. (Andy Sperandeo), All b&w photos with captions, descriptions, history. (Dean Lewis)

Iron Horses of the Santa Fe Trail
E.D. Worley, 1976, Southwest RR Historical Society
N/A, 75-39813, N/A, 610, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A

Journal of a Santa Fe Wire Twister
Gibson, N/A, N/A
N/A, N/A, Soft, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $21

Journal of a Santa Fe Wire Twister, Final Entries
William Oliver Gibson, 1991, South Platte Press
N/A, N/A, Soft, 36, 8.5 x 11, 0, 35, Still available, $14

Journey through Yesteryear, Ghost Railroads of Central Arizona, A
John W Sayer, 1985, Pruett Publishing Company
0-87108-683-2, N/A, Soft, 151, 8.5 x 11, 1, 79, N/A, $15, N/A
Description: A good "outing" book for those interested in the mining areas east and south of Prescott. Maybe not the highest printing standards, but chuck full of track diagrams and rare photos. Covers the early lines, boomdays, consolidation under ATSF and the decline of the copper industry. (Dale Hokanson)

Kansas Depots
Roger Grant, 1990, Kansas State Historical Society
N/A, N/A, Soft, 118, 6 x 9, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: ATSF depots covered on pages 29-49. Nice photos and good text coverage. (Dean Lewis)

Land Tenure Problems in the Santa Fe Railroad Grant Area (The Railroads)
Sanford Alexander, N/A, N/A
N/A, N/A, Hard, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $16

Last of The Great Stations...50 years of the L. A. Union Passenger Terminal, The
Bill Bradley, 1989, Interurban Press
0-916374-84-X, 79-84387, soft, 120, 11 x 8.5, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: A fine history and lots of good photos of the L.A.U.P.T. (Don McGinnis)

Living in the Depot : The Two-Story Railroad Station (American Land and Life Series)
H. Roger Grant, 1993, Univ of Iowa Press
0877455880, N/A, Hard, 131, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A

Locomotive of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway System, R&LHS Bulletin #75
Sylvan R. Wood, 1948, Baker Library - Harvard Business School
N/A, N/A, Soft, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A

Mighty Santa Fe, The
William H. Hooks & Angela Trotta Thomas, N/A, N/A
N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, $14

Modeling Cajon
Pete Youngblood, N/A, Trans-Anglo Books
N/A, N/A, Soft, 70, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: Modeling ideas, track plans. (Andy Sperandeo)

New Mexico's Railroads: An Historical Survey
David Myrick, 1970, Colorado Railroad Museum
N/A, N/A, Soft, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $19
Description: One of the most entertaining, compact and well researched railroad books I have ever read, with a strong segment on Santa Fe operations in NM. (Evan L. Werkema)
Comments: It has recently been expanded and reissued. (Evan L. Werkema)

The North American Railroad : Its Origin, Evolution, and Geography (Creating the North American Landscape)
James E. Vance, 1995, Johns Hopkins Univ Press
0801845734, N/A, Hard, 348, 11.26 x 8.61, N/A, N/A, Still available, $40

North American Hudsons : the 4-6-4 steam locomotive
Lloyd E. Stagner, 1987, South Platte Press
0960956883, N/A, Soft, 108, 8.5 x 11, NA, N/A, out of print, N/A, N/A
Description: Lloyd covers the Hudson type locomotives built for all North American Railroads with his usual attention to detail. (Fred W. Tefft)

North American Steam Locomotives - The Texas and Berkshire Types
Jack W. Farrell, 1988, Pacific Fast Mail
915713-15-12, 88-061682, Hard, 192, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Comments: ATSF section page 48 thru 55. Nice photos and text of 2-8-4 and 2-10-4 units. (Dean Lewis)

Newton, Kansas, A Railroad Town. History, facilities and Operations 1871-1971
L.M. "Mike" Hurley, 1985, Mennonite Press, Inc.
N/A, N/A, N/A, 185, 9x12, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: B/W photos of average to fair quality. Provides a good history of the ATSF operations in and around Newton. (Dean Lewis)

Official Pullman Standard Library, Volume 1, Santa Fe, The
David Randall & William Ross, 1986, Railway Production Classics
N/A, N/A, Hard, 200, 9 x 12.5, N/A, N/A, Still available, $50
Description: Photos and drawings of passenger cars built by P-S. (Andy Sperandeo)
Comments: Each book numbered on title page. (Dean Lewis)

One Man's Locomotives - 50 Years Experience with Railway Motive Power
Vernon L. Smith, 1987, Trans-Anglo Books
N/A, N/A, Hard, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Comments: Mr. Smith's discussions on various steam locomotives he had been privilaged to operate. Many of these were ATSF engines. (Dean Lewis)

Operations Santa Fe
Merle Armitage, 1948/1984, Omni Publications
N/A, N/A, Hard, 263, 6 x 9, 0, 37, Still available, $15
Description: All text with some illustrations. A discussion on how ATSF operated. Discusses all aspects from CTC to Trains to food, etc. (Dean Lewis)

Passenger Train Equipment, 1870-1971, of the Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe, Volume 1, Head End Cars
Joseph W. Shine and Frank M. Ellington, 1973, Railcar Press
N/A, N/A, N/A, 108, 12 x 19, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: Many photos and drawings (almost all drawings or photos.) plus all the data one can use. (Dean Lewis)
Comments: A work of art. (Dean Lewis)

Passenger Train Equipment, 1870-1971, of the Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe, Volume 2, Business and Special Purpose Cars
Frank M. Ellington and Joseph W. Shine, 1975, Railcar Press
N/A, N/A, N/A, 177, 12 x 19, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: Many photos and drawings (almost all drawings or photos). A couple of pages of color plus all the data one can use. (Dean Lewis)
Comments: A work of art. (Dean Lewis)

Piggyback and Containers
David J. DeBoer, 1992, Golden West Books
0-87095-108-4, 92-39181, Hard, 192, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, Still available, $48

Quarter Century of Santa Fe Consists, A
Fred Frailey, 1974, RPC Publications
N/A, N/A, Soft, 208, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: System-wide passenger consists 1946-1971, with car rosters, a must for passenger train modelers. (Andy Sperandeo)

Railroading in the Rockies a Half Century Ago (Colorado Rail Annual, No 18)
Ted Wurm, John W. R. Naxwell, Edward Mahoney, 1990, Colorado Railroad Museum
0918654181, N/A, Hard, 221, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, Out of print, $40, N/A
Description: Article: "On Line: Three Years in a Santa Fe Business Car" by Edward Mahoney details his life working as a secretary to division superintendents after WWI. This is a very well written and interesting article. (Fred W. Tefft)

Railroading through Cajon Pass
Chard Walker, 1978, Prototype Modeler
N/A, N/A, Hard, 273, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Comments: Earlier version of Cajon - Rail Passage to the Pacific. (Andy Sperandeo)

Railroads of Kansas City
Terry Lynch, 1984, Pruett Publishing Co.
0-87108-637-9, 82-16662, Soft, 142, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: Pages 2 thru 14 on ATSF. Some interesting photos. Nice map of city. Steam to diesel photos. Useful for area history. (Dean Lewis)

Railroads of Nevada & Eastern California, Vol. 2
David F. Myrick, 1992, University of Nevada Press
0-87417-194-6, N/A, N/A, 480, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: Various railroads including ATSF mainline. (John A. Thompson)

Rails Through the Orange Groves, Vol. 1
N/A, N/A, N/A
N/A, N/A, Hard, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $35
Description: Orange County RR's including ATSF mainline. (John A. Thompson)

Rails Through the Orange Groves, Vol. 2
Stephen Donaldson and William Myers, N/A, N/A
N/A, N/A, N/A, 144, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $35
Description: Orange County RR's including ATSF mainline. (John A. Thompson)

Rails to the Grand Canyon
Spencer Crump, 1993,Zeta Publishers Co.
0-918376-06-02, 93-60562, Soft, 80, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: Historical text, Pictures and maps. (Dean Lewis)

Revolutionary EMC's FT Diesel
Wallace W. Abbey, 1994, Diesel Era
1-881411-02-8, 94-060012, Soft, 130, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $25
Description: Includes 12-page section on ATSF FTs, with roster. (Andy Sperandeo)

Route of the Warbonnets
Joe McMillan, 1977, N/A
N/A, 77-81470, N/A, 176, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, Still available, $50
Comments: Nice picture book. (Evan L. Werkema)

Santa Fe 1940-71 in Color Volume 1
Lloyd E. Stagner, 1992, Morning Sun Books Inc.
1-878887-13-0, 92-064308, Hard, 128, 9 x 11.5, 207, 0, Still available, $50
Description: Beautiful photography of the ATSF during its streamlined passenger era. (
Comments: 4.5 out of 5 stars. (

Santa Fe 1940-71 in Color Volume 2
Lloyd E. Stagner, 1993, Morning Sun Books Inc.
1-878887-18-1, 92-064308, Hard, 128, 9 x 11.5, 209, 0, Still available, $50
Description: Beautiful photography of the ATSF during its streamlined passenger era. (
Comments: 4.5 out of 5 stars. (

Santa Fe 1940-71 in Color Volume 3
Lloyd E. Stagner, 1993, Morning Sun Books Inc.
1-878887-22-X, 92-064308, Hard, 128, 9 x 11.5, 200, 0, Still available, $50
Description: Beautiful photography of the ATSF during its streamlined passenger era. (
Comments: 4.5 out of 5 stars. (

Santa Fe 1940-71 in Color Volume 4
Lloyd E. Stagner, 1994, Morning Sun Books Inc.
1-878887-35-1, 92-878887-22-X, Hard, 128, 9 x 11.5, 212, 0, Still available, $50
Description: Beautiful photography of the ATSF during its streamlined passenger era. (
Comments: 4.5 out of 5 stars. (

Santa Fe 1987 Motive Power Review
Joseph Shine, 1988, Four Ways West Publishing
0-9616874-2, N/A, Hard, 128, 8.5 x 11, 24, 272, Out of Print, $29, N/A
Comments: Features SD24/26 model. (Dean Lewis) It is an excellent reference for the period or time conscious railfan or modeler. (Dale Hokanson)

Santa Fe 1988 Motive Power Review
Joseph Shine, 1989, Four Ways West Publishing
0-9616874-3, N/A, Soft, 128, 8.5 x 11, 7, 289, Still available, $26
Description: Features motive power of the Surf Line. (Dean Lewis) It is a super reference not because of the surf line, but because it shows common motive power over four or five decades. (Dale Hokanson)

Santa Fe 1992 Annual
Kevin EuDaly, 1992, Hyrail Productions
0-9268699-2-9, N/A, Soft, 144, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: Covers the SPSF merger, the TP&W, The System Operations Center (Schaumburg), Santa Fe dispatching, the business car fleet, 6-axle F's, Roster and dispositions. (Evan L. Werkema)

Santa Fe 1993-1994 Anuual
Kevin EuDaly, 1994, Hyrail Productions
0-9628699-7-X, N/A, Soft, 144, 8.5 x 11, 22, 191, Still available, $37
Description: Covers SantaFe's Kansas branchlines shortly before they were sold off, plus Santa Fe signaling, the WEPX coal trains, plus the usual roster and dispositions. (Evan L. Werkema)

Santa Fe Across the Southwest
Wesley Fox, 1991, Fox Publications
N/A, N/A, Hard, 80, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $35
Description: Pictorial. (Andy Sperandeo), This book has chapters on Raton, Gloriette, the Belen Cutoff, Indian Country (west New Mexico and east Arizona), the Arizona Divide, the Mojave Desert, and Cajon Pass. It is 77 pages of B&W photos - modern (with new Warbonnets). It also has a short "how to get there" section in the back of the book. The photos are very well done, but the printing is a little grainy. (Mike Brusky)

Santa Fe All the Way - How ATSF Pioneered Long Steam Runs, NRHS Bulletin - Vol 53 #1
Lloyd E. Stagner, 1988, NRHS
N/A, N/A, Soft, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A

Santa Fe's Big Three - The Life Story of a Trio of the World's Greatest Locomotives, The
S. Kip Jr. Farrington, 1972, David McKay Co.
N/A, 72-75463, Hard, 287, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, Out of Print, $18, $75
Description: 4-8-4, 4-6-4 and 2-10-4 locomotives. (Andy Sperandeo)

Santa Fe Car and Locomotive Plans for Model Railroaders
N/A, 1948 and 1953, ATSF Railway
N/A, N/A, N/A, 44, 10.5 x 14, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Comments: Published long ago. (John A. Thompson)

Santa Fe Chief Way System Standards, Volume One
N/A, 1978, Kachina Press
0-930724-03-8, 78-52235, Soft, 128, 12 x 9, 0, 0, Still available, $20

Santa Fe Chief Way System Standards, Volume Two
N/A, 1978, Kachina Press
0-930724-04-6, 78-52235, Soft, 128, 12 x 9, 0, 0, Still avaialbe, $20

Santa Fe Chief Way System Standards, Volume Three
N/A, 1978, Kachina Press
0-930724-05-4, 78-52235, Soft, 128, 12 x 9, 0, 0, Still avaialbe, $20

Santa Fe Depots of the Eastern lines
N/A, N/A, N/A
N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Comments: This book may never get published. (

Santa Fe Depots of the Plains
Frank Ellington, 1984, Railroad Car Press
N/A, N/A, N/A, 97 , 9 x 16 , N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: Color cover of Bucklin, KS. Many photos, drawings of all station types, list of stations in 1883, a treasure trove for the station fan. (Dean Lewis)

Santa Fe Depots: Western Lines
J.B. McCall, 1978, Kachina Press
N/A, N/A, Hard, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $56
Description: Details every depot in the Western Lines portion of the ATSF with B&W pictures for some depots (a few color) and information concerning the size, building date, remodeling history and dispostion of every depot in the Western Lines. (
Comments: 5 out of 5 stars. (

Santa Fe Diesel ... The Series - In Color, Volume One, 1935 - 1965
Stephen Priest & Thomas Chenoweth, N/A, Paired Rail Publications, Ltd.
N/A, N/A, Hard, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, Available soon, N/A

Santa Fe's Diesel Fleet
Joe McMillan, 1975, Chatham Publishing Co.
N/A, 74-17816, Soft, 144, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: Nifty snapshot of the road's motive power near the end of the end-cab switcher and F-unit era. (Evan L. Werkema)

Santa Fe Diesels and Cars
N/A, 1974, Wayner Publications
N/A, N/A, Soft, 80, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: B&W photo album. (Andy Sperandeo), Collection of b&w photos. (John A. Thompson)

Santa Fe's Early Diesel Daze
McCall, 1980, Kachina Press
N/A, N/A, Hard, 272, 9 x 12, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A

Santa Fe Engine Picture Taker
William Oliver Gibson, 1993, South Platte Press
N/A, N/A, Soft, 36, 11 x 8.5, 0, 58, Still available, $10

Santa Fe Freight ... The Series - In Color, Volume One - Boxcars
Stephen Priest & Thomas Chenoweth, 1996, Paired Rail Publications, Ltd.
0-96518960-0-0, N/A, Hard, 180, 9 x 11, 533, 0, Still available, $60

Santa Fe Freight ... The Series - In Color, Volume Two - Gondolas
Stephen Priest & Thomas Chenoweth, N/A, Paired Rail Publications, Ltd.
N/A, N/A, Hard, 180+, N/A, 500+, N/A, Available soon, N/A

Santa Fe Freight Train Symbol History, 1968 to 1984
John M. Carr, 1984, N/A
N/A, N/A, Soft, 85, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, Still available, $10
Description: This book and covers locals, unit trains and scheduled trains as of October 1983, with several updates that occurred early in 1984. The major portion of the book covers the history of the scheduled regular trains under the old train symbols system (using numbered symbols from 31 to 599 and letter symbols) through the big change in 1974 to all three number symbols (103 to 991). Unit trains operated under four different symbol systems during the period. The latest change was the Plus System incorporated in May 1984.
Comments: Put together much like some of the Wayner publications, but uses coated paper. Nice listing of symbols plus explanations. (Dean Lewis)

Santa Fe Freight Train Symbol History, 1984 to 1993
John M. Carr, 1993, N/A
N/A, N/A, Soft, 55, 4.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, Still available, $10
Description: This book covers the changes that have occurred over the last ten years (May 1, 1984 to February 1, 1993) to Santa Fe freight train symbols and schedules. Something new in this book is the addition of train performance data (how often the train operated and how often it arrived at its destination on time). This data and the regional schedules at the end of the book may be used to plan your activities trackside and also to identify trains your photograph along the system.

Santa Fe's Hi-Level Cars
Kogan, Occhiello and McCormick, 1975, Prototye Modeler
N/A, N/A, Soft, 40, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: Good photos & Nelson McCormick's excellent drawings. (Don McGinnis)

Santa Fe in the Mountains: Three passes of the West: Raton, Cajon and Techachapi (The Golden Years of Railroading)
George H. Drury, 1995, Kalmbach Publishing Co.
0-89024-229-1, N/A, Soft, 128, 11 x 8.5, 0, 111, Still available, $19

Santa Fe in Topeka, The, SCHS Bulletin #56
John W. Ripley, 1979, Shawnee County Historical Society
N/A, N/A, Soft, 196, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: Illustrated history. (Andy Sperandeo)

Santa Fe Locomotive 3751
Brian B. Brooks and William Plunkett, N/A, San Bernardino RR Hist. Soc.
N/A, N/A, Soft, 22, 9 x 12, N/A, N/A, Still available, $10
Review: Trains July 1994 page 77

Santa Fe Motive Power
Joe McMillan, 1985, McMillan Publications
0-934228-08-6, 85-72215, Hard, 164, 8.5 x 11, 11, 411, N/A, 39.95, N/A
Description: Includes complete roster shots, some in Zebras, and sections on slugs, RCEs, Bicentennials, TP&W, retired units everywhere, business cars, cabooses and a quick look at the then coming SPSF. (Dale Hokanson)
Commments: Typical HIGH QUALITY McMillan. No one interested in ATSF, diesels or otherwise, can exist without this one. (Dale Hokanson)

Santa Fe Passenger Train Consists January 10, 1937
N/A, 1971, Wayner Publications
N/A, N/A, 54, 11 x 8.5, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A

Santa Fe Prescott & Phoenix Railway : The Scenic Line of Arizona, The
John W. Sayre, N/A, N/A
N/A, N/A, Hard, 228, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $40

Santa Fe Railroad Color History
S. Glischinski, N/A, N/A
N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A

Santa Fe Rails, Volume 1
Kevin EuDaly, 1996, White River Productions
0-89745-987-3, N/A, Soft, 144, 8.5 x 11, 25, 196, Still available, $38
Description: Interesting articles of the Santa Fe, and a roster at the back. (Evan L. Werkema)

Santa Fe Railway Listing of Freight Cars by Class and Car number 1906-1991
Larry Occhiello, 1991, The Santa Fe Modelers Organization Inc. and The Santa Fe Railway Historical Society
N/A, 91-066849, Soft, 160, 11 x 8.5, 0, 0, Still available, $20
Comments: No photos or drawings. (Andy Sperandeo)

Santa Fe Railway Painting & Lettering Guide, Volume 1, Rolling Stock
Richard Hendrickson, 1990, Santa Fe Modelers Organization
N/A, 92-060725, Soft, 64, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A

Santa Fe Railway Rolling Stock Reference Series - Volume One, Work Equipment Cars
William W. Childers, N/A, Santa Fe Modelers Organization
N/A, N/A, Soft, 248, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $42

Santa Fe Railway Rolling Stock Reference Series - Volume Two, Refrigerator Cars, Ice Bunker Cars 1884-1979
C. Keith Jordan, Richard H. Hendrickson, John B. Moore and Dean Hale, 1994, Santa Fe Modelers Organization
N/A, 92-060726, Soft, 288, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $40

Santa Fe Railway Rolling Stock Reference Series - Volume Three, Furniture and Automobile Box Cars 1887-1997
Richard H. Hendrickson, 1997, Santa Fe Railway Historical and Modeling Society
N/A, N/A, Soft, 157, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, Still available, $40
Description: Volume Three in our Rolling Stock Reference Series covers Furniture and Automobile Box Cars. Author Richard Hendrickson, well-known to most Santa Fe fans as "Mr. Freight Car," is a frequent contributor to the Warbonnet, and its predecessors as well as co-author of Volume Two in this series - Refrigerator Cars-Ice Bunker Cars 1884-1953. Don't miss this one!* (David Kampsnider)

Santa Fe's Raton Pass
Jared V. Harper, 1983, Kachina Press
0-930724-09-7, N/A, Soft, 144, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A

Santa Fe Route to the Pacific
Phil Serpico, 1988, Omni Publications
N/A, N/A, Hard, 170, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $35

Santa Fe Steam Finale in Kansas
Lloyd E. Stagner, 1988, South Platte Press
0-942035-10-0, N/A, Soft, 48, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, Still available, $14
Description: B&W pictorial. (Andy Sperandeo)

Santa Fe Steam: The Last Decade 1949 - 1959
Lloyd E. Stagner, 1995, South Platte Press
0-942035-34-8, N/A, Soft, 72, 8.5 x 11, 0, 113, Still avaiable, $19

Santa Fe: Steam - Trains & Locomotives 1936 - 1956
N/A, N/A, N/A
N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A

Santa Fe - Steel Rails Through California
Donald Duke and Stan Kistler, 1963, Golden West Books
N/A, 63-23869, Hard, 184, N/A, N/A, N/A, Out of Print, N/A, N/A

Santa Fe Streamliners: The Chiefs & Their Tribesman
Karl Zimmermann, 1987, Quadrant Press Inc.
0-915276-41-0, N/A, Soft, 112, 11 x 8.5, 0, 201, Still available, $18
Description: Story of the ATSF's streamlined passenger service from the beginning to the end. (
Comments: 5 out of 5 stars. (

Santa Fe: The Railroad Gateway to the American West - Volume One - Chicago - Los Angeles - San Diego
Donald Duke, 1995, Golden West Books
0-87095-110-6, 95-21413, Hard, 288, 9 x 11.5, 28, 477, Still available, $60

Santa Fe: The Railroad Gateway to the American West - Volume Two - Chicago - Los Angeles - San Diego
Donald Duke, N/A, Golden West Books
N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, Available soon, $60

Santa Fe: The Railroad That Built an Empire
James Marshall, 1945, Random House
N/A, N/A, Hard, 466, N/A, N/A, N/A, Out of Print, N/A, N/A

Santa Fe Through ABO Canyon, The, NRHS Bulletin - Vol 43 #5
Ronald C. Hill, 1978, NRHS
N/A, N/A, Soft, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A

Santa Fe Trails
Robert Olmsted, 1987, Frelich Printing, Inc.
N/A, N/A, Hard, 144, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, N/A, $35
Description: Some steam & early diesel. A nice photo album. (Don McGinnis)

Santa Fe Trails II
Robert Olmsted, 1988, Frelich Printing, Inc.
N/A, N/A, Hard, 120, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, Still available, $30

Southern Pacific & Santa Fe: The History of the Sunset Railway
N/A, N/A, N/A
N/A, N/A, Hard, N/A, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, Still available, $30

Southwestern Indian Detours, The
Diane H. Thomas, 1978, Hunter Publishing
0-918126-11-8 Paperback/0-918126-12-6 Clothbound, 77-94331, Soft, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: This is a Fred Harvey book detailing the Southwestern Indian Detours in Arizona and New Mexico. (
Comments: It might be a little tedious for the Santa Fe railfan but it would be priceless to the Fred Harvey fan. Lots of good Santa Fe railway information related to the "Detours" It speaks of the birth of the Detours and their death. For a Santa Fe fan I can only give it two of five stars due to the detail of the Harvey operations. For the Harvey fan I would give it five of five stars. I have the book but I am not an avid Harvey fan. (

SPSF Motive Power Review - 1986
Joseph W. Shine, 1986, Four Ways West Publishing
N/A, N/A, Soft, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A

The St. Louis-San Francisco transcontinental railroad; the thirty-fifth parallel project, 1853-1890
H. Craig Miner, 1972, University Press of Kansas
0700600817, N/A, Hard, 6 x 9, 236, N/A, 15, Out of print, N/A, $5-$10
Description: Craig Miner is a Professer of history, and has written several books on historical subjects of the Kansas area. This book has some interest for the Santa Fe historian since it covers the Atlantic & Pacific Railroad and the ATSF control of the Frisco in 1890.

Steam Locomotives of the Santa Fe
Frank Ellington, 1991, Railroad Car Press
N/A, N/A, Soft, 276, 9 x 17, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: Oversize, scrapbook of author's experience as a Santa Fe shopman. (Andy Sperandeo)

Steam on the Santa Fe, NRHS Bulletin - Vol 45 #6
W.O. Gibson, 1980, NRHS
N/A, N/A, Soft, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A

Steel Trails to Santa Fe
L.L. Waters, 1950, U. of Kansas Press
N/A, N/A, Hard, 500, N/A, N/A, N/A, Out of Print, N/A, N/A
Description: Lots of line construction information and historical tidbits. (, History. (Andy Sperandeo)
Comments: An excellent starting point for research projects, 4 out of 5 stars. (

Stock Cars of the Santa Fe Railway
Frank Ellington, J. Berry and L. Martins, 1986, Santa Fe Railway Historical Society
N/A, N/A, Soft, 132, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A

Story of the Santa Fe
Glenn D. Bradley, 1920/1995, Omni Publications
0-88418-006-9, 94-12045, Hard, 387, 6 x 9, 0, 60, Still available, $25

Streator Connection, The
Robert P Olmsted, 1981, McMillan Publications
0-934228-05-1, 81-80098, Hard, 96, 8.5 x 11, 0, 181 (48 ATSF), N/A, $17, N/A
Description: Almost as much ATSF as Conrail. Also guest appearances by CRI&P, CMSP&P, GM&O, CN, C&NW, L&N, MoPac, PC, CR Black (ugh), NYC, ICG, EL, N&W. Worth every cent of the purchase price. (Dale Hokanson)

Super Chief ... Train of the Stars, The
Stan Repp, 1980, Golden West Books
0-87095-081-9, 80-18725, Hard, 258, 6 x 9, 2, 146, Still available, $40
Description: Story of the first two or three years of the Super Chief. Excellent detail! (
Comments: 5 out of 5 stars. (

Surfliners - 50 years of the San Diegan, The
Dick Stephenson, 1988, Trans-Anglo Books / Interurban Press
87046-084-6, N/A, N/A, >18, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: It covers rail service from the early years through 1988. There are tons of photos and other info. (Rick Blanchard)

John Signor, 1983, Golden West Books
0-87095-088-6, N/A, Hard, 278, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $49
Description: Primarily Souther Pacific, but includes Santa Fe operating over SP lines by trackage rights. (Andy Sperandeo)

Tehachapi: Railroading on a Desert Mountain
Steve Schmollinger, 1993, Boston Mills Press
1-55046-063-3, N/A, Hard, 160, 12 x 11, 178, 0, Still available, $45
Description: All-color pictorial of the pass's railroad action in the diesel era. Using a combination of maps and photographs, it lays out in detail the line as it exists today. (Allen Szalanski)

Tracking Ghost Railroads in Colorado : A Five Part Guide to Abandoned and Scenic Lines
Robert Ormes, 1975, Century One Press
0937080012, N/A, Soft, 8.5 x 11, 164, 6, N/A, Out of print, N/A, N/A
Description: This book is a gold mine for those wishing to track abandoned lines in Colorado. Coverage is mostly Rio Grande, but a few ATSF lines are shown. Could benefit from computerizing and reformating for another reprint. (Fred W. Tefft)

Trademarks of the Santa Fe railway and Peripheral Subjects
Richard W. Pelouze, 1997, Santa Fe Railway Historical and Modeling Society
N/A, N/A, Soft, 84, 8.5 x 11, N/A, N/A, Still available, $22
Description: A must for Santa Fe Railway enthusiasts, author Pelouze has done an outstanding job of collecting, illustrating and researching each of the hundreds of trademarks used by the Santa Fe. Chapters cover the July 1901 trademark and those preceding it as well as trademarks used in advertising, on rolling stock, locomotives, trucks, semi-trailers and buses. Also included are details on menus, structures, dinnerware and uniforms. (David Kampsnider)

Trains Album of Photographs Number 12, Santa Fe Railway
N/A, N/A, Kalmbach
N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: B&W photos from the 1940's. (John A. Thompson)

Valley Division Vignettes: Santa Fe
J.L. Kreiger and Glen Icanburg, 1983, Valley Rail Press
N/A, N/A, Hard, 254, 9 x 12, N/A, N/A, Still avaiable, $38

Warbonnets: From Super Chief to Super Fleet
Dan Pope and Mark Lynn, 1994, Pentrex Inc.
1-56342-004-X, N/A, Hard, 104, 10.5 x 9, 129, 0, Still available, $50
Review: Trains March 1995 page 79
Description: Locomotive Pictorial. (Andy Sperandeo)

Wheat Lines and Super Freights - Santa Fe In Color - Volume 2
Joe McMillan, 1992, McMillan Publications Inc.
0-934228-17-5, 92-90669, Hard, 240, 9 x 11.5, 439, 0, Still available, $65
Description: Covers the Santa Fe in Kansas, Oklahoma and Colorado from mid 1960's to 1992. (Joe McMillan), All color beautiful photographs of 1960's-1992 ATSF structures/ motive power/ passenger trains/ freight trains in Kansas and Oklohoma. (
Comments: Can't put this book down. 5 out of 5 stars. (

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