ATSF Train Symbols

Last revised: 22-1-1995
Originally compiled: 22-1-1995
Originally compiled by F.L. (Dutch) Shultz, Jr.
Maintained by Marc Chouinard

ATSF Numbered Trains

ATSF Numbered Trains have the following format #-###-## and today are mostly used for UPS trains.
The first # indicates the trains priority (just how hot is this train), with a 9 being the hottest and a 1 being the slowest.
The second and fourth #, are the area of origination and destination codes, as the following table shows:

ATSF Numbered Trains (mostly UPS)
First and Fourth NumberLocation
1Chicago area including Willow Springs
2Illiois, Iowa and Missouri
3Argentine Yard, Kansas City
4Kansas, Colorado and East Oklahoma
5East Texas
6West Texas, West Oklahoma, Tennessee
7Arizona, New Mexico and El Paso
8Southern California including Barstow
9Northern California (west of Barstow)

The third # describes the type of service as the following table shows:

ATSF Numbered Trains (mostly UPS)
Third NumberType
0General Freight
1General Freight
2General Freight
3General Freight
4General Freight
5Mixed Freight
6Mixed Freight

The last two #s indicate the day of the month that this train departed.

For Example: Train 1-983-24

ATSF Lettered Trains

ATSF Lettered Trains have the following format X-XXXX#-##.
The first X describes the type of service as the following table shows:

ATSF Train Symbol Prefixes
AAmtrak Passenger
BBare Table
CUnit Coal Train (Loaded)
DDeadhead Power Moves
EUnit Coal Train (Empty)
FForeign Lines, Detour Train
GUnit Grain Train (Loaded)
HHigh Priority Manifest Train
LLocal Train (Regularly Scheduled)
MManifest Train
PPremium Intermodal Train
QGuaranteed Intermodal Train
RRoadswitcher (Regularly Scheduled)
SIntermodal Double Stack Train
TTransfer Cut (Interchange Deliveries or Receipt)
UUnspecified Unit Train
VVehicle Train (Auto and Parts)
WWork Train
XUnit Grain Train (Empty)
YYard Job (Regulary Schedled)
ZPremium Guaranteed (UPS Service)

The second through fifth Xs, are the city of origination XX and destination XX codes, as the following table shows:

ATSF Train Symbol Code Locations
ABAbilene, KS
ACArkansas City, KS
ADArdmore, OK
AEArtesia, NM
AFAsh Fork, AZ
AHAshland, KS
AIAttica, KS
ALAlvin, TX
ALAlliance Yard, (Fort Worth, TX)
AMAmerillo, TX
ANAnthony, TX
AQAlbuquerque, NM
ASAltus, TX
ATAtchison, KS
AUAugusta, KS
AVAvard, OK
BABarstow, CA
BCBoise City, OK
BDBrady, TX
BEBelen, NM
BGBorger, TX
BHBirmingham, AL (BN Connection)
BIBig Lift, CO
BKBakersfield, CA
BLBellville, TX
BMBeaumont, TX
BNBrenham, TX
BRBrownwood, TX
BSBoise Southern, LA
BVBartlettsville, OK
BWBlackwell, OK
BYBay City, TX
CACanadian, TX
CBCarlsbad, NM
CCChillicothe, IL
CDCaldwell, TX
CEConroe, TX
CGClinton, OK
CHChicago, IL
CLCleburne, TX
CMConcordia, KS
CNChanute, KS
COColumbus, OH
CRCarrollton, MO
CSColorado Springs, CO
CTCleta, TX
CUCushing, OK
CVClovis, NM
CWCorwith Yard (Chicago, IL)
CXCroxton, NJ
CYCanyon, TX
CZClelland, CO
DADallas, TX
DBDublin, TX
DCDodge City, KS
DEDefiance, NM
DMDeming, NM
DUDumas, TX
DVDenver, CO
EDEl Dorado, KS
EFElhart, IN
ELEagle Lake, TX
EMEmporia, KS
ENEnid, OK
EPEl Paso, TX
EREtter, OK
ESEast Saint Louis, IL
ETEton, MO
FDFredonia, KS
FHFort Hood, TX
FIFannett, TX
FLFlagstaff, AZ
FMFort Madison, IA
FNFlorence, CO
FRFresno, CA
FSfort Stockton, TX
FUFullerton, CA
FVFairview, OK
FWFort Worth, TX
GAGainesville, TX
GBGreat Bend, KS
GCGarden City, KS
GLGalesburg, IL
GMGrand Rapids, MI
GNGlendale, AZ
GPGallup, NM
GRGrants, NM
GUGuthrie, OK
GVGalveston, TX
HAHamlin, TX
HBHobart Yard (Los Angeles, CA)
HDHodgekins, IL (GM Yard)
HEHereford, TX
HLHolcomb, KS
HMHartman, CO
HOHouston, TX
HRHarper, KS
HUHutchinson, KS
HYHurley, NM
JCJoseph City, AZ
JOJoliet, IL
JSJasper, TX
JTJetmore, KS
KAKaiser, CA
KCKansas City, KS
KGKingman, KS
KIKingman, AZ
KMKings Mill, TX
KPKings Park, CA
KVCleveland, OH
KWKiowa, KS
LALos Angeles, CA
LBLong Beach, CA
LCLas Cruces, NM
LDLarado, TX
LELee Ranch Mine, NM
LFLittle Field, TX
LJLa Junta, CO
LMLometa, TX
LOLongview, TX
LRLamar, CO
LULubbock, TX
LVLas Vegas, NM
LWLawrence, KS
LYLyons, KS
MAMiami, TX
MCMcCook, IL (Chicago, IL)
MDMidlothian, TX
MEMedicine Lodge, KS
MEMemphis, TN (BN)
MJMojave, CA
MLMill, TX
MNMilano, TX
MOModesto, CA (Empire Junction)
MPMcPherson, KS
MRMarceline, MO
MVMulvane, KS
NANavajo, AZ
NCCoronado Generating Station at St Johns, AZ
NENeedles, CA
NGnogales, AZ
NWNewton, KS
NYNew York (CR connection)
OAOakdale, LA
OKOklahoma City, OK
OLOlathe, KS
OTOttawa, KS
OWOwasso, KS
PAParker, AZ
PBPittsburg, CA
PCPecos, TX
PDPedernal, NM
PEPearlland, TX (Houston, TX)
PGPegs, NM
PIParis, TX
PMPampa, TX
PNPlainview, TX
POPonca City, OK
PRPerry, OK
PSPresidio, TX
PTPittsburg, KS
PUPueblo, CO
PVPauls Valley, OK
PWPawnee, OK
PXPhoenix, AZ
PYPerrytown, AZ
PZPurcell, OK
RARaton, NM
RDRiverside, CA
RIRichmond, CA
RNRincon, NM
RORosenburg, TX
RRRed Rock, OK
RSRustler Springs, NM
RVRiverbank, CA
RWRoswell, NM
SASalina, KS
SBSan Bernadino, CA
SCScott City, Ks
SDSan Diego, CA
SESeligman, AZ
SFSanta Fe, NM
SGSpringfield, CO
SHShattuck, OK
SISilsbee, TX
SJSt. Joseph, MO
SKSelkerk, NY (CR connection)
SLSlaton, TX
SMSomerville, TX
SNSan Angelo, TX
SOSacramento, CA
SPSan Pedro, CA
SQSt. Francis, TX
SRStreator, IL (Chicago, IL)
SSShawnee, OK
STStockton, CA (Mormon Yard)
SUSuperior, NE
SVSantanta, KS
SWSweetwater, TX
SXSmithers Lake, TX
SYSibley, MO
SZSan Augustine, TX
TCTexas City, TX
TETemple, TX
TITulia, TX
TLTulsa, OK
TMTecumseh, KS
TNTenaha, TX
TPTopeka, KS
TRTrinidad, CO
TUTucson, AZ
TUTulia, TX
VVVictorville, CA
WAWaynoka, OK
WCWichita, KS
WDWhite Deer, TX
WFWinfield, KS
WIWinslow, AZ
WJWilliams Junction, AZ
WKWasco, CA
WLWellington, KS
WNWinnie, TX
WOWoodward, OK
WSWillow Springs, IL (Chicago, IL)
WTWatson, CA
YCYork Canyon, NM
YGYaggy, KS
ZJZacha Junction Yard (Dallas, YX) (KCS)

The Sixth # has multiple meanings as the following table shows:

ATSF Train Symbol Sixth Diget No's
11st Train section
22nd Train section
33rd Train section, or unusual movement, or extra scheduling of a train that does not fall into category 1 or 2
4OCCL if a Stack (Q,P,S) train, or Key train with hasmat loads for Manifest (H,M) train
5Maersk if a Stack (Q,P,S) train
6Railbridge (K-Line) if a Stack (Q,P,S) train
7not used
8Hyundai if a Stack (Q,P,S) train, or used to designate the expediency required of certain trains that are not stack or freight trains
9used to designate the expediency required of certain trains that are not stack or freight trains

The last two #s indicate the day of the month that this train departed.

For Example: Train H-ALLB2-18

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