ATSF Video Videography 

Last Updated: October 10, 1997
Number of Videos: 92
Maintained by: Marc Chouinard

The format for all videos listed here is as follows:
- VIDEO REVIEWS: if available
- DESCRIPTION: if available
- COMMENTS: if available
denotes less than 50% Santa Fe.

39 3/4 HRS Super Chief - Santa Fe all the way - Chicago to LA
Sunday River Productions, 1995
73 minutes, Color, Stereo, N/A, Still available, $40
Description: This video shows the entire route of the Super Chief in detail from Dearborn Station in Chicago, to Union Terminal in LA. Footage of other Santa Fe streamlined trains is also shown. (Michael Brusky)

Across the Heartland, Santa Fe's Chillicothe Subdivision
Pentrex, 1996
84 minutes, Color, Stereo, N/A, Still available, $30
Description: A great tape chronicling the last days of the Santa Fe, prior to the BNSF merger. This tape shows all of the Santa Fe glory from Corwith Yard in Chicago, down to the Mississippi River at Fort Madison, Iowa. Big, modern power is the rule of the day, in typical Santa Fe fashion, right up to the end. (Michael Brusky)

Better Way for the Santa Fe
Pentrex, N/A
28 minutes, Color, Stereo, 1959-1960, Still available, $15
Description: This documentary production by Morriso-Knudsen Corp details the MK work on the 1959-60 Arizona line realignment between Williams and Crookton. Witness heavy machinery proving that a railroad can be built through just about any terrain as mountains are cut open and valleys are filled to provide a smooth grade through an unforgiving land. (Michael Brusky)

Big Three in KC (ATSF, BN and UP)
MO-KAN Video, N/A
2 hours, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $29

BNSF Around Curtis Hill
Big "E" Productions, N/A
N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $30

BNSF Crossing the Cornbelt
C Vision Productions, N/A
N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $24

BNSF in the Arizona Forest
Broken Knuckle Video, N/A
N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $24

BNSF - Kansas (Augusta to East Junction)
Three D's Rail Videos, N/A
105 minutes, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $34

BNSF Minot, ND to Belton, MT
G. Train Video Productions, N/A
N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $30

BNSF South of La Crosse, WI
Big "E" Productions, N/A
70 minutes, N/A, N/A, September 1996, Still available, $26

BNSF Stevens Pass
Rail Productions, N/A
N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $24

Cajon Pass & Tehachapi Loop
Pentrex, 1986
90 minutes, Color, Stereo, N/A, Still available, $45
Description: Extensive coverage of both of these railroading meccas. Although coverage includes the other roads sharing these lines, the Santa Fe action is well worth the cost of the tape. (Michael Brusky)

Challenge For Tomorrow
Pentrex, N/A
28 minutes, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: Interesting mid 1950's company film detailing progress on the railroad since its beginning and many safety issues. While this is an employee video it is also interesting to those of today. There is even a view of the Cyrus K. pulling its yellow passenger cars. (
Comments: 4 stars (

Chiefs of the Santa Fe
A&R Productions, N/A
35 minutes, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: Some vintage color clips of Santa Fe steam and diesel on Cajon Pass, Raton Pass and in Illinois. Better than you might expect from an "independent" producer. (
Comments: 3 stars (

Countdown to Merger, Santa Fe's Marceline Subdivision
Pentrex, 1996
85 minutes, Color, Stereo, N/A, Still available, $30
Description: The last days of the Santa Fe are at hand, and Pentrex is there to count them down, day by day, to the end. This tape covers the action from Fort Madison, IA to Kansas City, MO as the Santa Fe passes to its next life as part of the BNSF. A fitting tribute to the style and glory of a great railroad.......the Great Santa Fe! (Michael Brusky)

Doublestacks Over Tehachapi
Pentrex, 1995
30 minutes, Color, Stereo, 1995, Still available, $20
Description: Santa Fe completed a tunnel raising project over the SP's Tehachapi route in 1995 (SP kicked in late in the project) to allow the running of Doublestack container traffic over the line and up the Valley to the Bay area. Witness the first waves of doublestack trains traversing the line, with typical Pentrex quality photography. (Michael Brusky)

Farewell to the Santa Fe - Scenes from California
ICON Video Productions, N/A
40 minutes, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $15

Highball over Tehachapi
Highball Productions, N/A
2 hours, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $35

Historic Hot Spots: Santa Fe's Pasadena Subdivision
Pentrex. 1995
60 minutes, Color, Stereo, 1950s - 1960s, Still available, $35
Description: An excellent tape for historians and Santa Fe fans alike. This tape, with guest narration by Stan Kistler, shows vintage film footage of Santa Fe's passenger trains on the Pasadena Sub in the 50's and 60's. (Michael Brusky)

Last Train From Cherryvale
N/A, N/A
N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A

Missouri Kansas and Texas, The
Pentrex, N/A
N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: Boring runbys of green period MKT trains. HOWEVER AT THE END THERE IS A COMMERCIAL FOR PENTREX'S VINTAGE FILM COLLECTION WITH M190 PASSING BY A SIDING IN NM OR ARIZONA. It is almost worth buying the video for this alone. (
Comments: 1 star (

Mojave Desert Thunder
Big "E" Productions, N/A
82 minutes, N/A, N/A, October 1995, Still available, $28

Railfanning - Santa Fe - Modeling for Photos
N/A, N/A
N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $30

Railfanning the Santa Fe
Green Frog Productions, N/A
N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $35

Raton Pass - King Coal, The Chief, and the BALJ
Pentrex, 1994
90 minutes, Color, Stereo, N/A, Still available, $40
Review: Trains January 1995 page 90
Description: A thorough depiction of Santa Fe's efforts to move coal over Raton Pass, the highest and steepest grade on the railroad. Also shown is Amtrak's Southwest Chief as it struggles to make the grade, with in-cab footage. Also shown is the BALJ (Barstow-La Junta) freight train which makes a daily traverse over this line, which sees limited action. (Michael Brusky)

Return of the Warbonnets
Gandy Dancer Productions, 1991
90 minutes, Color, Stereo, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: This tape shows views of Santa Fe's heritage of red and silver Warbonnet locomotives throughtout modern Santa Fe history, leading up to the return of the fabled paint scheme on modern units. Footage from both old and modern eras are shown. The color quality leaves something to be desired, as most footage (at least on my copy) showed the red warbonnet as purple. (Michael Brusky)

Santa Fe 3751 - Return to Steam
Pentrex, 1992
60 minutes, Color, Stereo, N/A, Still available
Description: Pentrex follows the restoration of 4-8-4 Northern locomotive 3751 by the San Bernardino Historical Society through to its inaugural run on the Santa Fe from LA to Bakersfield and return, over cajon Pass and Tehachapi. Great runby footage in many locations. (Michael Brusky)

Santa Fe 3751: The California Limited
Mark I Video, N/A
90 minutes, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $35

Santa Fe 3751 - L.A. to Chicago
Greg Scholl Video Productions, N/A
90 minutes, Color, N/A, 1992, Still available, $35

Santa Fe 3759: Final Run Over Cajon Pass
Pentrex / Video Rails ???, N/A
60 minutes, Color, Stereo, 1955, Still available, $28
Description: On Feb 6, 1955 the Santa Fe operated 3759 with a heavyweight consist from LAUPT to Barstow over Cajon Pass. While extremely interesting, the color from this film has washed out. It is like watching the 3751 videos without vibrant color. (
Comments: 4 stars (

Santa Fe Across Arizona
Highball Productions, N/A
110 minutes, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $35

Santa Fe Across the Arizona Divide - Warbonnets in Action
HERRONrail Video, 1996
1 hour, N/A, Stereo, N/A, Still available, $30

Santa Fe's Arizona Mainline
Pentrex, 1991
80 minutes, Color, Stereo, N/A, Still available, $40
Description: Great photography typical of pentrex makes this a wonderful overview of the Arizona dual-track mainline. A few factual faux-pas are overshadowed by the awesome splendor of the Arizona Divide. Locations are covered from New Mexico border to Colorado River on the California border. (Michael Brusky)

Santa Fe Around Temple, Texas
Big "E" Productions, N/A
N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $29

Santa Fe at Lebo, KS, The
Big "E" Productions, N/A
90 minutes, N/A, N/A, October 1994, Still available, $30

Santa Fe: Barstow to Needles
Horizon Video Productions, 1989
60 minutes, Color, Stereo, 1989, N/A, N/A
Description: This video, shot in 1989, was produced with no narration. A map, and reference points guide the viewer along the line at various points along the Mohave mailine. Complete trains are shown at each location. (Michael Brusky)

Santa Fe's Belen Cutoff
Big "E" Productions, N/A
N/A, N/A, N/A, 1993, Still available, $30

Santa Fe Chillicothe Sub '96 Volume 1
Midwest Video Productions, 1996
65 minutes, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $29

Santa Fe Chillicothe Sub '96 Volume 2
Midwest Video Productions, 1996
80 minutes, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $29

Santa Fe's Chillicothe Subdivision
MO-KAN Video, N/A
2 hours, N/A, N/A, Mid 1995, Still available, $29

Santa Fe's Curtis Hill
CRV Productions, 1992
2 hours, Color, Stereo, 1992, N/A, N/A
Description: Shot in 1992, this video is a fine, in-depth coverage of the Santa Fe mainline through the Red Hills of Oklahoma from Kiowa, KS to Woodward, OK. Factual narration and excellent video have come to mark CRV's productions. The railfanning premise of this tape at the beginning and end add to the overall effect. (Michael Brusky)

Santa Fe's Dallas Subdivision
Zulenka, N/A
90 minutes, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $40

Santa Fe Desert Tour
Charles Smiley Presents, N/A
90 minutes, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $29

Santa Fe's Dublin Pig Train
Zuleka Productions, 1990
30 minutes, Color, Stereo, August 21, 1989, Still available, $20
Description: This video, shot mostly from the cab of a Santa Fe freight, shows the Dublin Subdivision in central Texas on August 21, 1989. (Michael Brusky)

Santa Fe's Dublin Subdivision
Zulenka, N/A
90 minutes, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $40

Santa Fe Employee Recognition Special
Pentrex, 1992
40 minutes, Color, Stereo, 1992, Still available, $15
Description: This tape documents a portion of the trip Santa Fe conducted for their employees in 1992. This marks (as of this date) the last trip made by 4-8-4 Northern steam locomotive 3751. Highlights of this trip over Cajon, through the Mohave Desert, across the Arizona Divide, and as far east as Mountainair New Mexico. (Michael Brusky)

Santa Fe's Emporia Subdivision
MO-KAN Video, N/A
2 hours, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $29

Sante Fe's Final Years
CRV Productions, N/A
2 hours, Color, N/A, 1990s, Still available, $40

Santa Fe's Fort Worth Subdivision
Zulenka, N/A
90 minutes, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $40

Sante Fe - Galveston - Houston to Temple, Texas
Three D's Rail Video, N/A
105 minutes, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $33

Sante Fe - Joliet to Ft. Madison
Midwest Video Productions, N/A
115 minutes, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $29

Santa Fe's Lampasas Subdivision
Zulenka, N/A
90 minutes, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $40

Santa Fe Main Line Series - Chicago to Kansas City
Railway Productions, N/A
1 hour, Color, N/A, 1995, Still available, $30

Santa Fe Main Line Series - Gallup to Los Angeles
Railway Productions, N/A
1 hour, Color, N/A, 1995, Still available, $30

Santa Fe Main Line Series - Kansas City to Gallup
Railway Productions, N/A
1 hour, Color, N/A, 1995, Still available, $30

Santa Fe's Marceline Subdivision
MO-KAN Video, N/A
2 hours, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $29

Santa Fe's Mojave Mainline
Pentrex, 1992
75 minutes, Color, Stereo, 1992, Still available, $40
Description: Pentrex produces another quality production, showing all of the best locations between Needles and Barstow, California, across the Mohave Desert. Red and Silver Warbonets abound in this 1992 film. (Michael Brusky)

Santa Fe: Needles to Winslow
Horizon Video Productions, 1989
60 minutes, Color, Stereo, 1989, N/A, N/A
Description: Second tape of a series taped in 1989, produced with no narration. As with the first tape of the series, a map with refence points guides the viewer across Arizona, showing complete trains. (Michael Brusky)

Santa Fe's New Mexico Main
WB Video Productions, 1990
60 minutes, Color, Stereo, 1990, Still available, $40
Description: Video by Dave Gross of the New Mexico Mainline (southern route) in 1990. Great action from Clovis to Dalies Jct., NM. Mostly freight, but Amtrak shows up at Dalies. This tape also provides footage of the newly-repainted SDFP45's in the SuperFleet paint. (Michael Brusky)

Santa Fe's New Mexico Mainline, Volume I - The Clovis Subdivision
Pentrex, 1994
90 minutes, Color, Stereo, N/A, Still available, $40
Description: Modern diesel locomotives work the New Mexico southern mainline from the Texas border to Belen. This tape has the most extensive coverage of Abo Canyon ever presented. A wonderful depiction of modern freight operations on the Santa Fe in a region of the country seldom covered. (Michael Brusky)

Santa Fe's New Mexico Mainline, Volume II - The Gallup Subdivision
Pentrex, 1994
90 minutes, Color, Stereo, N/A, Still available, $40
Description: Second in a two-part series covering Santa Fe operations in New Mexico, this tape covers action west from Belen to the Arizona border west of Gallup. This tape provides great coverage of a forgotten, desolate, yet strikingly picturesque part of Santa Fe's Southwestern heritage. (Michael Brusky)

Santa Fe - NS Joint Track East of Kansas City
Big "E" Productions, N/A
128 minutes, N/A, N/A, Oct 1995, Still available, $32

Santa Fe Odyssey, The
Green Frog Productions, 1989
2.5 hours, Color, Stereo, 1952 - 1980, Still available, $65
Description: 16mm movie footage from the camera of Emery Gulash, transferred to videotape. This two-tape production covers areas from Chicago to California, spanning a period from 1952 through 1980. (Michael Brusky)

Santa Fe Odyssey - Volume II, The
Green Frog Productions, 1990
2 hours, Color, Stereo, Late 1970s, Still available, $65
Description: 16mm movie footage from the camera of Emery Gulash, covering the Santa Fe in the late 1970's. The two-tape set provides spectacular color footage of Santa Fe freight and Amtrak passenger action in the Midwest and West, including Cajon and Tehachapi. (Michael Brusky)

Santa Fe Odyssey - Volume III, The
Green Frog Productions, 1992
105 minutes, Color, Stereo, Summer 1991, Still available, $65
Description: Video shot by Emery Gulash and Steve Neff during the summer of 1991, covering the line between Chicago and Kansas City. Lots of new Santa Fe Super Fleet Locomotives, as well as Amtrak. (Michael Brusky)

Santa Fe's Pasadena Subdivision
Pentrex, N/A
60 minutes, N/A, N/A, 1950s, Still available, $40

Santa Fe's Panhandle Subdivision
MO-KAN Video, N/A
2 hours, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $29

Santa Fe Pictorial
Greg Scholl Video Productions, N/A
60 minutes, Color, N/A, N/A, Still available, $30

Santa Fe Railway Film Collection vol. 1
Gandy Dancer, N/A
53 minutes, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: Yard Safety 14min, Safety with hand tools 16min, The Argentine yard 16min, The continuing Challenge: Truck Hunting 7min. This is a collection of company films from the 1970's. Bad music, long hair, no passenger trains. It is comical in some places, extremely boring in others. But if you like safety films... (
Comments: 1 star (

Santa Fe Raton Pass
WB Video Productions, N/A
114 minutes, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $50

Santa Fe's Raton Route
WB Video Productions, N/A
112 minutes, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $40

Santa Fe Route of the Chiefs
Pentrex, N/A
90 minutes, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $35
Description: Details the rebirth of 3751 and the employee recognition special operation in ?1992?. Mainly runbys. Beautiful scenery and sound. (
Comments: 4 stars (

Santa Fe Salute!
Pentrex (1989 Hopewell Productions), 1994
60 minutes, Color, Stereo, 1980s, Still available, $30
Description: A fine videotape showing Santa Fe in its glory, and as passenger service passed on to Amtrak. The Super-C makes an appearance, and 90 mph cab-rides take your breath away. Truly a tribute to a great railroad. (Michael Brusky). The first half of this film shows b/w clips and color clips of a cab ride on a Santa Fe passenger train F unit. There are also cab rides in a FP45. You get to watch passengers enjoying dinner and riding in a big dome. The second half details freight operations. There is a Super C caboose ride from the copula through the sunny and then snowy desert and modern operations. (
Comments: 4 stars (

Santa Fe's Seligman Sub
WB Video Productions, 1989
60 minutes, Color, Stereo, Late 1980s, Still available, $40
Description: Video from the camera of Dave Gross, covering the Arizona mainline from Winslow, through Seligman, across the Colorado River Bridge at Topock, and into Needles, CA. Photographed in the late 1980's, this video contains excellent coverage of this dual track steel highway with minimal factual slip-up. (Michael Brusky)

Santa Fe Snow Blowing in Kansas
CRV Productions, 1992
60 minutes, Color, Stereo, November 1991, Still available, $24
Description: A Rare venture into the life of the only rotary snowplow on the Santa Fe roster. November, 1991 footage of the rotary in action in western Kansas also includes on-board footage from the cab of the unit. A great look at an unusual piece of MOW equipment. (Michael Brusky). The Santa Fe Rotary goes into action to clear the Ness City branch line in Western Kansas. This was a rare opportunity to catch the Rotary in action as it is VERY rarely used. The video was made just a year or two before the end of Santa Fe operation on this line. THIS VIDEO IS A MUST FOR ANY SANTA FE VIDEO COLLECTOR. (
Comments: 5 stars (

Santa Fe South of Temple, Texas
Big "E" Productions, N/A
65 minutes, N/A, N/A, Oct 1995, Still available, $24

Santa Fe: The Diesel Locomotive - Its Servicing, Maintenance and Repair
Pentrex, 1995
25 minutes, Color, Stereo, 1950s, Still available, $20
Review: Trains April 1996 page 80
Description: A behind-the-scenes look at diesel locomotive servicing in the 1950's at the shops in San Bernardino, Barstow, and Winslow. Although watching this tape won't qualify you as a trained mechanic, you'll get to see just how this work was accomplished. (Michael Brusky)

Santa Fe: The Kansas Way
CRV Productions, 1990
118 minutes, Color, Stereo, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: A very nicely done videotape of Santa Fe operations throughout Kansas. This tape shows numerous freights and locations, as well as new SuperFleet colors on SDFP45's and GP60M's. Also shown are some of the last remnants of the Kodachrome units. (Michael Brusky). If you like mainline runbys, this is your film. It covers the line to Kiowa. You really would like to see some branch line action but there probably was none to be found. Oh if we had just had affordable video cameras in the 1980's. (
Comments: 2 stars (

Santa Fe Training: ETD/ETM Devices
Pentrex, 1987
33 minutes, Color, Stereo, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: This tape, produced by the Santa Fe for the purpose of training personnel in the use of radios, ETD's and ETM's. Although the subject matter is somewhat dry, this tape gives good insight into the operation of these devices on the Santa Fe. (Michael Brusky)

Santa Fe Vintage Diesels
Pentrex, 1997
50 minutes, Color, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A

Santa Fe's Waynoka Subdivision
MO-KAN Video, N/A
2 hours, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $29

Super Chief, The
Pentrex Vintage Films, N/A
15 minutes, Color, Stereo, 1950s, N/A, N/A
Description: Basically a 15 minute commercial for the Santa Fe Super Chief train service. Filmed in the 1950's, this footage traces the travel of one Super Chief traveler, and shows all of the luxurious accomodations of this premier passenger train, as well as numerous shots of the diverse scenery along the route between LA and Chicago. (Michael Brusky) A promotional film from the 1940's or 1950's. Views from the inside of the Turquoise Room, sleeping quarters, dome car, observation. Many runbys and station stops are included. (
Comments: 5 stars (

Super Chief, The
Sunday River, N/A
73 minutes, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: Not only are there views of the Super Chief but of other Chief's (Texas, San Francisco etc...). Really nice shots of the trains around Raton Pass. One shot of a passenger train leaving Dearborn at night with the camera stuck out of the vestibule (sp). (
Comments: 5 stars (

Symphony in Steam
Santa Fe Film, N/A
30 minutes, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: 3751 employee special as seen by the corporate machine. (
Comments: 3 stars (

Pentrex, 1994
80 minutes, Color, Stereo, N/A, Still available, $30
Description: Another Pentrex gem, updating modern operations of the Santa Fe and Southern Pacific railroads over the mountainous grades of Tehachapi Pass in Southern California. Modern power strains to move tonnage over an "impossible" route between Bakersfield and Mohave, California. (Michael Brusky)

Tehachapi Part I: The Santa Fe
WB Video Productions, 1986
57 minutes, Color, Stereo, 1984 & 1986, Still available, $40
Description: This video follows the Tehachapi crossing, featuring, exclusively, Santa Fe freight trains traversing the line from Caliente to Mohave. Footage was filmed during 1984 and 1986 and shows many of the prominent photographic locations, as well as some pacing action. (Michael Brusky)

Tehachapi the Tour (SP, ATSF)
N/A, N/A
N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, Still available, $26

Train Watchers Diary Series - Volume 10
Railroad Video Productions, N/A
60 minutes, Color, N/A, N/A, Still available, $22
Description: Santa Fe freights and Amtrack passenger trains at many scenic locations in Arizona. (Marc Chouinard)

Train Watchers Diary Series - Volume 11
Railroad Video Productions, N/A
60 minutes, Color, N/A, N/A, Still available, $22
Description: Santa Fe, Union Pacific and Amtrack trains at many scenic locations in California's Mojave Desert area. (Marc Chouinard)

Trains of Tehachapi, The
Big "E" Productions, N/A
118 minutes, N/A, N/A, October 1995, Still available, $30

Warbonnets on the High Iron
WhiteRiver Productions, 1996
54 minutes, N/A, Stereo, N/A, Still available, $30

Warbonnets over Tehachapi, The start of the Super Fleet
Take One Video Productions, 1991
57 minutes, Color, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
Description: Video shot on the Tehachapi Loop line. Marginal color and shaky videography detract from an otherwise nice production covering the first days of modern Warbonnets reappearance on the Tehachapi line. (Michael Brusky)

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